Wednesday 10 June 2009

Jonas and Trueman comparrison

Jonas and Trueman are two very different yet similar people. they both have problems that are alike and are stuck in the middle of them. They are stuck in the middle of community's problems and fake worlds that are just not real. They also have plots to try and escape these communitys so they can start a real life for themselves. I will now com[are these two.

Community's in these plots are very much the same. Both community's are tryingto acomplish a utopia, and use many lies to get people to stay in there community's and try to make it perfect. for instance in jonas's community they pretty much brainwash the kids from a very young age, while trueman was just treated as if he grew up normally in his city. But a similatiry in their communitys is that trueman has no way of leaving. like for Jonas if you get released they kill you. But as for Trueman he was allowed no possible exit for leaving.
But Jonas and Trueman had plots to leave. But they both thought the same way and had attempts. like Trueman tryed leaving through all types of places, for instance Jonas plotted something but it was later remade when he wanted to take gabriel. but Trueman was finally ale to leave after he discovered the world eh lived in his whole life was fake.
That is all there is to comprare about Jonas and Trueman, in the end they were ablet o escape thier communitys and make it to a new one. Jonas and Trueman are also different but we can debate that another time.