Wednesday 10 June 2009

Jonas and Trueman comparrison

Jonas and Trueman are two very different yet similar people. they both have problems that are alike and are stuck in the middle of them. They are stuck in the middle of community's problems and fake worlds that are just not real. They also have plots to try and escape these communitys so they can start a real life for themselves. I will now com[are these two.

Community's in these plots are very much the same. Both community's are tryingto acomplish a utopia, and use many lies to get people to stay in there community's and try to make it perfect. for instance in jonas's community they pretty much brainwash the kids from a very young age, while trueman was just treated as if he grew up normally in his city. But a similatiry in their communitys is that trueman has no way of leaving. like for Jonas if you get released they kill you. But as for Trueman he was allowed no possible exit for leaving.
But Jonas and Trueman had plots to leave. But they both thought the same way and had attempts. like Trueman tryed leaving through all types of places, for instance Jonas plotted something but it was later remade when he wanted to take gabriel. but Trueman was finally ale to leave after he discovered the world eh lived in his whole life was fake.
That is all there is to comprare about Jonas and Trueman, in the end they were ablet o escape thier communitys and make it to a new one. Jonas and Trueman are also different but we can debate that another time.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

giver questions

The relationship between the giver and jonas is very strong. I think it is better then what he has with his parents, because and you could tell that they really didnt that there job was just to raise Jonas. The giver and jonas also are the only ones who have feelings and real emotions, everyone else is just empty they are like robots. Also the Giver plays the father roll for Jonas because of the feelings that they have, and so that proves Jonas and the Giver have a stronger relationship then Jonas does with him mom and dad.

Jonases community is also hypocrytical because of allt he rules they they put up and then what they end up doing. Like they do not promote lieng and they say they not to liebut in most of the jobs they are told to lie and that is very strange. They also inhumanely kill people like a baby for instance it got a injection int he head then was thrown to a garbage shoot. Related to lieng they carry alot of secrecy around and try to hide many things, and htis community is operated the wrong way.

Sameness is also another thing in jonases community . It controls the weather. The ups about sameness is ther eis no starvation, no freezing to death in winter, there crops can grow every yearw without problem there are also no enviormental problems witht here surroundings or anything like that. But on paper there are no flaws with sameness other then that it is inhumane and they do not know how to face any real problems, there world is like a fantasy land, and it is wrong to be in a emotionless pretty much robotronic dead world, and thats that.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

oh rats!

In the 1300's rats were infested with fleas and many diseases, in those ties they gave people plagues, and other diseases, they also gave people the black plague because of how dirty people lived and the poor condition that they are in.
They are a problem today because hey are still dirty and probabky carry diseases, they also eat your fodo and find ways intoy our houses. some rats even have rabies. which are dangerouse, and thats why they are a problem and a pest.


Wednesday 4 March 2009

scary setting

a scary settign that i have been in was once when i was in my house, i was alone and my power went out, and i was only 7. that was a scary settign because the darkness terefied me when i was little, and my imagination was just thinking of monsters and ghosts.and in theta type of environment in a big house that i lived in, i was very afraid, and i think it would scare just about anyone. that is a scary setting that i have been in.

Monday 9 February 2009

my favorite things!!!

what i want to be when i grow up is i want to be a nfl player, int he nfl, i want to be this because football is my favorite sport, and i have alot of fun playing it. to do this i will have to practice alot to get better, at it.
My favorite food is turkey, i love turkey so much. turkey is so good, i even once had my mom cook it for my birthday. or on christmas. i especially love my turkey with gravey. and that is my favorite food.
My favorite movie would probably be pirates of the carribean 3. i love that movie because it is very funny and keeps me interested, it is also a very fun series i watch it all the time. and that is my favorite movie and my entry, thanks.+

Thursday 5 February 2009

future predction.

in the bok we read, it was 2155 and there was computers asteachers and all these homework slots. i think that we wont have these all around the world in the future because, people will be out of jobs, because we cant hae computers rule the world pretty much. in that book though it was about a 11yer old girl whos teacher is a compter and she really doesnt gt much help from the teacher because the teacher sets her back a lvl in geography. now for the future i think we will be this advanced, but i dont think they will dominate it, and have kids being tutored by a computer every where otherwise kids wont beable to socialize and suff, and learn those important skills that are needed for everyday life. that is my prediction on the economic future for our world.